We listen, innovate, and work for you

Our goal is to inspire and make people happier. Our product development begins in collaboration with our retailers. We listen to our partners’ needs, gather local stories and legends, and innovate – finding new ways to present these stories through packaging and simple design. We aim to be long-term partners for our retailers.

How can we inspire & innovate together?

Stories from our retailers

Jaký by byl život bez dobrodružství?

Naše cesta začala, když jsme jako žáci 8. třídy vydávali Šťastný kalendář. Všimli jsme si, že lidé kolem nás nejsou tak šťastní, jak by mohli být. Nebyli jsme si jisti, zda za to může šedivá a temná zima, nebo něco jiného, a tak jsme se rozhodli jednat. Vytvořili jsme kalendář s každodenní výzvou, například “Obejmi se”, “Usměj se” nebo “Vypij mléko”. Cílem těchto jednoduchých aktivit bylo vnést do každého dne radost. V prvním roce jsme vydali 1 000 kalendářů, které se rychle vyprodaly během několika týdnů, což nás přimělo pokračovat.

O pět let později jsme se přejmenovali na SEIK Publisher a rozšířili jsme svou působnost v Pobaltí, severských zemích, střední Evropě i mimo ni. Náš cíl u každého produktu zůstává stejný: inspirovat lidi, nabízet dobrodružství a přinášet štěstí. V průběhu let jsme uvedli na trh více než 1000 různých produktů.

Dnes jsme stále malý tým mladých, kreativních lidí, kteří neustále hledají nové nápady, kterými vás mohou inspirovat.

Rudolf-Gustav Hanni / Founder of SEIK Publisher

Why do we want you to be happy?

Even the ancient Greek philosophers believed that being happy was the most important goal of life. We took it to heart. We create inspiring products to find your way to happiness.

Who do we act for?

We are committed to making every person’s life in the world a little happier. There are many more steps to go there and you can help by sharing us with your loved ones.

How do we really do that?

We have discovered that by living to the fullest every day, undertaking exciting adventures or inspiring your loved ones, it is possible to be happy. That’s why we create our products.

Our values

We Partner with Handpicked Local Stores Across Europe

Our journey began as Happy Calendar, a Student Company. Each day featured a challenge like “Give a hug,” “Give a smile,” or “Help a neighbor.” In our first year, we sold all 1000 Happy Calendars, with many customers ordering more. However, we ran out of stock. Initially, we sold in local design stores and bookstores.

As our mission to inspire people to have adventures grew stronger and Estonia became too small for us, we expanded our horizons. We translated our products and met our first resellers outside Estonia. Our journey led us to venture into various markets across Northern and Central Europe, sharing our vision with a wider audience.

Today, we collaborate with over 200 retailers and over 3000 locations across Europe and beyond, offering products in 10+ languages. We partner with innovative bookstores, design shops, souvenir stores, and museums.

Every day, we strive to bring our vision to life, spreading happiness and adventure worldwide.

We want to innovate together with you

✓  Let’s design local products with unique stories

✓  Make products, that customers are asking for

✓ Innovate usability and packaging to make them practical and fun

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